example of narrative

Jalan Warga No.52
Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12510
Jakarta, October 5, 2010
The Personal Manager
Dear Sir,
            I would like to apply for a  job related to computer science . I am  HR  and I am  20 years old. I am still a student in Computer Science Faculty at  Gunadarma University .
            I  am a teacher at a social organization. I used to be a volunteer to help Tasikmalaya and  Sumatra  earthquake victims.  I was been a committee in blood donation event. I enjoy it. I In senior high school, I ever been joined saman contest in many event.
            I can speak English fluently.  I graduated from LBA-LIA English course in 2008.  I am  honest, self motivated, easy going and friendly person. I am capable of handling any tasks that your company may assign to me. Furthermore, I am dynamic and outspoken. Besides, I am a person who can work either independently or as a part of team. I am also responsible, hardworking and eager to learn. On the other hand, I can work under pressure and I’m also able to operate computer very well. And I know some programming language.
            Enclosed  is my resume which indicates my experience in some details. I am willing hopefully for this opportunity. It’s a great honor to join in your company. I look forward to you favorable reply.
                                                                                                                                                                Sincerely yours,

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