The relationship film “I, Robot" with the human computer interaction (HCI)

Will Smith stars as Detective Del Spooner in the high-tech thriller I, ROBOT, suggested by the book of short stories by visionary author Isaac Asimov. In the year 2035, technology and robots are a trusted part of everyday life. In this film, that trust is broken and only one man, alone against the system, sees it coming.

I, ROBOT employs spectacular visual effects innovations beyond any ever before put on screen to bring a world of robots to life. The character of Sonny, a special robot who holds the key to a murder -- and perhaps the survival of the human race -- represents the cutting edge in photorealism. Indeed, Sonny is the most realistic, emotionally complete, three-dimensional CGI character ever created on film.

I, ROBOT is directed by Alex Proyas (“Dark City,” “The Crow”), who creates an extraordinary future Chicago -- circa 2035 -- where robots are completely integrated into society. Bridget Moynahan stars opposite Will Smith, as the robot psychologist Dr. Susan Calvin. Bruce Greenwood plays Lawrence Robertson, the corporate head of U.S. Robotics, and Chi McBride portrays Spooner’s boss and friend Lt. John Bergin. Actor Alan Tudyk’s physical performance inspired the digital creation of the robot Sonny. James Cromwell plays the pivotal role of the brilliant and reclusive scientist Dr. Alfred Lanning.
(quote from

This film is relation with human computer interaction. From this film, there are good things and bad things that we can take. The good thing is this movie interpreting the current technological developments. Robot is one of the implementation. In this movie, the robot has been used to aid the tasks of the house work. Likes, cook, as a secuity at home and others. The development of robots will definitely provide a great change also to human life. So, we must always follow the technological developments, so that we can adapt to the changes.
The bad thing in this movie is human too swayed by the facility which is available , human is too given all of the work to the robot and assume that the robot would not be a boomerang that will destroy human life . Therefore, human do not remember that robots or technology created by themselves which certainly it could not miss the error.

So that lessons that I get from this movie is in the real world, human should be aware of technological developments and anticipate with some knowledge. If we do not want to be enslaved by technology, then we should use the technology wisely.
hopefully this article is helpful for all.

Perancangan Basis data toko handphone

Diagram Konteks
Pada diagram ini dapat dilihat bahwa sistem penjualan toko handphone ini melibatkan lima external entity yaitu supplier, pegawai, manager, pimpinan dan costumer. Penjelasan secara singkat dari diagram diatas adalah supplier akan menawarkan barang pada system, lalu system akan memberikan daftar barang apa saja yang akan dibeli, kemudian costumer akan membeli barang. Semua transaksi yang dilakukan baik antara supplier ataupun costumer akan dicatat oleh pegawai. Selanjutnya, system akan memberikan laporan keuangan dan stock barang kepada manager sedangkan laporan yang diberikan pada pimpinan hanyalah laporan keuangan.

Data Flow Diagram level 0
Pada tahap ini terdapat tiga proses utama yang dilakukan oleh system, yaitu proses pengecekan barang, proses transaksi penjualan, dan proses pembuatan laporan.

Data Flow Diagram level 1 proses 1( pengecekkan stock barang)

Tahap ini adalah penjabaran dari proses pertama pada DFD. Sistem akan melakukan pemeriksaan barang terlebih dahulu. Apakah setiap barang yang ada kurang dari sepuluh, karena disini ditetapkan bahwa setiap barang yang jumlah stock nya kurang dari sepuluh akan dipesan ke supplier, tapi jika tidak, maka pemesanan tidak akan dilakukan. Pemesanan juga dapat dilakukan jika terdapat barang baru. Pengecekan dilakukan dengan pegawai akan memasukkan data stock barang pada system dan data akan dimasukkan kedalam data store barang. Selanjtnya adalah pembelian barang kepada supplier. Disini pegawai kembali berperan, pegawai akan memasukkan daftar pembelian, dat suppier dan pembayaran. Semua transaksi disini akan dimasukkan ke dalam data store transaksi. Setelah itu terdapat proses entry data. Entry data disini dimaksudkan untuk memasukkan data-data pembelian yang akan disimpan ke dalam data store supplier dan data store barang. Sehingga data akan mudah untuk diupdate.

Data Fow Diagram level 1 proses 2 (transaksi penjualan)

Pada tahap ini dapat dilihat bahwa pembeli akan melakukan pembelian barang, kemudian system akan memberikan harga barang,barang dan bukti pembayarannya kemudian system akan menyimpan data tersebut ke dalam data store barang, agar pada data store barang diupdate lagi perubahannya. Kemudian dilakukan pemasukkan data penjualan ke dalam data store transaksi dan data store barang.

Data Flow Diagram Level 1 proses 3 (pencatatan data)
Pada proses ini,pembuatan laporan barang akan dilakukan. Sistem akan mengambil data barang dan data stock barang pada data store barang kemudian akan mengolahnya dan laporan jumlah stock barangnya akan diberikan kepda manager, selanjutnya adalah pembuatan laporan transaksi penjualan. Data-data untuk pembuatan laporan transaksi penjualan barang akan diambil dari data store transaksi kemudian akan diolah dan akan menghasilkan laporan keuangan, yang akan diberikan kepada manager dan pimpinan.

Desain Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EERD)

example of narrative

Jalan Warga No.52
Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12510
Jakarta, October 5, 2010
The Personal Manager
Dear Sir,
            I would like to apply for a  job related to computer science . I am  HR  and I am  20 years old. I am still a student in Computer Science Faculty at  Gunadarma University .
            I  am a teacher at a social organization. I used to be a volunteer to help Tasikmalaya and  Sumatra  earthquake victims.  I was been a committee in blood donation event. I enjoy it. I In senior high school, I ever been joined saman contest in many event.
            I can speak English fluently.  I graduated from LBA-LIA English course in 2008.  I am  honest, self motivated, easy going and friendly person. I am capable of handling any tasks that your company may assign to me. Furthermore, I am dynamic and outspoken. Besides, I am a person who can work either independently or as a part of team. I am also responsible, hardworking and eager to learn. On the other hand, I can work under pressure and I’m also able to operate computer very well. And I know some programming language.
            Enclosed  is my resume which indicates my experience in some details. I am willing hopefully for this opportunity. It’s a great honor to join in your company. I look forward to you favorable reply.
                                                                                                                                                                Sincerely yours,